Simple scripts you can use for working with rails.


bin/rebuild -h

Usage: bin/rebuild [options]

-f, --flags F        Flags for the rebuild script (by default all of them)
                     l - bundle exec rake log:clear
                     a - bundle exec rake assets:clean
                     i - [ -e public/system ] && rm -R public/system/*
                     d - bundle exec rake db:drop
                     c - bundle exec rake db:create
                     m - bundle exec rake db:schema:load
                     s - bundle exec rake db:seed
                     p - RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile
                     j - [ -e bin/delayed_job ] && RAILS_ENV=production bin/delayed_job restart
                     Example: dcms

-e, --except E       Except flags for the rebuild script
                     See documentation for --flags


bin/update -h

Usage: bin/update [options]

-f, --flags F        Flags for the update script (by default all of them)
                     l - bundle exec rake log:clear
                     a - bundle exec rake assets:clean
                     g - git pull
                     b - bundle install
                     m - bundle exec rake db:migrate
                     p - RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile
                     j - [ -e bin/delayed_job ] && RAILS_ENV=production bin/delayed_job restart
                     Example: gm

-e, --except E       Except flags for the update script
                     See documentation for --flags

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